Founder Members

IAID Members in the World

Dr. Adj Prof. Giovanni OLIVI
Dr. Adj Prof. Cristian CORAINI
Dr. Norberto BERNA
Dr. Giovanni BARBÈ
Dr. Giorgio ASTOLFI
Dr. Adj.Prof. Andrea BORGONOVO
Dr. Adj Prof. Rolando CRIPPA
Dr. Adj Prof. Francesco GIORDANO
Dr. Adj.Prof. Claudio MODENA
Dr. Adj Prof. Alessandro NANUSSI
Dr. Matteo OLIVI
Dr. Alessandro TRAVIGLIA
Dr. Adj.Prof. Marina Consuleo VITALE
Dr. Matteo Pietro INVERNIZZI
Dr. Nicola VANUZZO
Founder Members
United States
Dr. Enrico DIVITO
Dr. Adj Prof. Roberto DIVITO
Founder Members
United Kingdom
Dr. Lindsey LEGGETT
Dr. Ilay MADEN
Founder Members
Dr. Tomasz MACHAN
Dr. Jacek MATYS
Dr. Adj.Prof. Kinga GRZECH-LESNIAK
Founder Members
Dr. Philip HAND
Dr. Linhlan NGUYEN
Dr. Jason PANG
Founder Members
Dr. Moonthana HAGE
Founder Members
Founder Members
Dr. Manaf Taher AGHA
Founder Members
Dr. Yue Weng CHEU
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Dr. Aleksandra KRIZAJ DUMIC
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    Cristian Coraini
    Giorgio ASTOLFI
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Giorgio Astolfi graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Internal Medicine at University of Parma (1986).
    From 1981 to 1998 worked at Niguarda Hospital of Milan as medical assistant. Since then he worked in private practice focusing on Dermatology and full body Aesthetics.
    Speaker at most important national congresses (Agorà, SIES, SIME, ASPEM, IPAM, ICAMP), he is Professor at ICAMP College.
    Cristian Coraini
    Giovanni BARBÈ
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Giovanni Barbè graduated in Dentistry (1987), achieved the Post Graduated Diploma in Periodontics and Prosthodontics from NYUniversity (1990). He specialized in Interdisciplinary aspects between periodontology and orthodontics at University of Siena (1993-1994), He specialized in Biomaterials in prosthetic surgery University of Bologna (1995), and achieved the Post Graduated Diploma in Implanology NYUniversity (1998). He achieved the Master in Sedation and Emergency at University of Padova (2015), the Master in Legal and Forensic Dentistry at University G.Marconi of Rome (2019). He is Member of the Board of Directors and Commissioner for the Register of Dentists of the Order of Doctors and Dentists of Ferrara.
    Norberto Berna
    Norberto BERNA
    Curriculum Vitae

    Graduated with honours in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Dentistry at Rome University “La Sapienza”.
    Dr. Berna carried out and authored several researches, clinical scientific articles on histology, microanalysis, scanning electron microscope and micro-radiography on laser effects of different wavelength emissions such as CO2, ArFI, XeCI, Nd:Yag, Diodo, Er:Yag, Er,Cr:YSGG.
    In 2002 Norberto Berna, using Er,Cr:YSGG laser on bone tissue, first performed, an osteogenesis distraction, a maxillary sinus augmentation osteotomy and crestal split, using only the laser.
    In 2003, he registered his method patent, where the use of drill in osteotomy implant is completely replaced by laser light. This method makes sure that the performance during an operation is bound no more by drill geometrical shape used for it so far, permitting so as to insert oval press fit implants in order to augment the contact surface between bone and implant and improve prosthesis emergency profiles. Recently developed together with IDC (Lucca, Italy) the design of new oval dental implants and not only that they can be inserted despite the asymmetrical shape even with traditional tools with specific tips.
    He achieved the Master in Odontoiatria Legale e Forense Università Guglielmo Marconi, Roma.
    Recently, Dr.Berna is acting as Scientific Coordinator of the Master in Laser Dentistry, at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy. Dr Berna, maintains his private dental practice in Rome.

    Norberto Berna
    Dr. Adj.Prof.
    Andrea BORGONOVO
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Adj.Prof. ANDREA BORGONOVO consegue nel 1998 la Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia con pieni voti e lode presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Presso il medesimo Ateneo consegue con lode il Diploma di Specialita’ in Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale .
    Dal 2006 al 2010 è Dirigente Medico di I° livello di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale presso la Clinica Odontoiatrica e Stomatologica di Milano .
    Dal 2006 è Professore a contratto della Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Odontostomatologica dell’Università degli Studi di Milano.
    Dal 2011 è Responsabile di Chirurgia ed Implantologia del Reparto di Estetica Dentale diretto dal Prof D. Re, presso l’Istituto Stomatologico Italiano, Università degli Studi di Milano.
    Nel 2012 consegue l’abilitazione nazionale di Professore Associato (II fascia). Nel 2015 ottiene la nomina di Visiting Professor presso l’Universidad Catholica de Murcia, e nel 2016 viene nominato Adjunct Professor presso la LUdes Foundation, University of Malta.
    Executive Board member of International Academy of Ceramic Implantology (IAOCI). Active member of SICOI and then Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO). Founder member of International Academy of Innovative Dentistry (IAID). Editorial board member of Journal of Ceramic Implantology (JOCI). Editorial board member of European Journal of Dentistry. Autore di più di 130 pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste nazionali ed internazionali, relatore a più di 250 congressi nazionali ed internazionali, è reviewer di riviste internazionali e nazionali, è inoltre Autore di 4 libri di argomento chirurgico (nel 2020 pubblica il testo La chirurgia dei terzi molari: la semplificazione di un percorso difficile . Quintessence Publishing).

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Luigi Cecchinato graduated with honors in dentistry and dental prosthesis at the University of Messina in 1989.
    Active member of Italian Endodontic Society (SIE) from 1997 and Italian Academy of Microscope Dentistry (AIOM) until 2019.
    IAID Cofounder and member of the Board of Directors.
    Author of several articles on endodontic field, he is co-author of one chapter of Atlas of Microscopy in Dentistry (RC libri, 2007), and author of one chapter of the Atlas of Endodontic Anathomy (Tecniche Nuove, 2011). He mantains his private practice in Milan.
    Cristian Coraini
    Dr. Adj Prof.
    Cristian CORAINI
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr.Adj.Prof. Cristian Coraini, qualified as Dental technician (Diploma in 1990-1991), graduated “cum Laude” in Dentistry at Milan-University (1996). He achieved the International Post-Graduate Certificate in Implantology and Esthetic Dentistry (New York University, College of Dentistry, 2003-2005). Visiting doctor from 1998 at Istituto Stomatologico Italiano of Milan in all departments, and from 2012 he is the Head of the Perio-Implants and CAD-CAM Department in the same Institut. In 1998 he won the italian national price “The clinical case I’ll never forget” (UTET editions, Rimini, Amici di Brugg), and in 2013, with his technician Mr. Luca Vailati and his office-partner Prof. A. Nanussi, he won the international price on the occlusion at the ICP (International College of Prosthodontists) World Congress (Turin). Active member of SIE (Italian Society of Endodontics), AIOM until 2018 (Italian Academy of Microscope Dentistry), AIGeDo (Italian Academy of Gnathology and oro-facial-pain), member of the Editorial Committee of “Italian Journal of Endodontics”. SIE Directive Council member’s from 2019, previously as Treasurer and National Secretary, currently as Vice President; he has been Adjunct Professor in Prosthodontics at the University of Milan (2017-2021). Co-founder of IAID. He has been Member of the Scientific Committee of Italian Association of National Dentists (ANDI – Milan/Lodi/Monza/Brianza).
    Author of 60 scientific published articles, including on peer-reviewed international journals, national and international lecturer, co-author of several chapter in many text books about perio, implants, endo and prosthodontic topics. From 20 years he mantains his private practice in Milan, focusing on the multi-disciplinary and micro-dentistry approach of clinical cases, including endodontics, perio-implants, prosthodontics, esthetics.

    Cristian Coraini
    Dr. Adj Prof.
    Rolando CRIPPA
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Adj.Prof. Rolando Crippa graduated with honours in Medicine (1984), accomplished the specialization degree in Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Milan (1986) and a Post Graduate certification in Implantology at New York University College of Dentistry.
    He is Director of the Oral Pathology and Laser Therapy Department at the Italian Stomatologic Institute. He is Adjunct contract Professor of CLSOPD University of Genoa (UNIGE). He is Author of several national and international scientific articles and of books in Oral Pathology and Laser Therapy.
    In 2017 he obtained the National Scientific Qualification for sector 06 / F1, Odontostomatological diseases, as a Second band Professor in Italy.
    Cristian Coraini
    Dr. Adj Prof.
    Francesco GIORDANO
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Giordano Francesco graduated in Dentistry at the University of Ferrara.
    Has achieved the International Certificate Postgraduated Implantology and Periodontology at the College of Dentistry at the New York University.
    Tutor at the New York University in 2005 and 2006.
    He’s active member of the American Academy of Osseointegration. Specialized in Surgical techniques at the University of Naples, He’s Active member oh Italian Academy of Osseointegration. Teacher in advanced courses, he’s an author of many publications.
    He lectured in national and international congresses focusing on Prosthodontics and Implant Surgery.
    He manteins his private practice in Sala Consilina (Salerno).

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Dr. Adj.Prof.
    Claudio MODENA
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Adj.Prof. Claudio Modena graduated in Dentistry in 1986/87 at University of Milan – Italy.
From 1988 to 1994, earlier dental care attendant than Grant holder at Verona City Hospital – Department of Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery.
1989-1990 formation in Periodontology with prof Alberto Ferrara, Clinical Adjunct Prof. at Parma University – Italy. Dr Modena in 1990 has been attending as visiting doctor at Boston University, PENN University of Pennsylvania, UCLA University of California Los Angeles. Local first, then Regional President of AIO, Italian Dental Association from 2005 to 2007 and from 2013 to 2016. From 2008 to 2009 education in Advanced Implant Regenerative Surgery with dr Carlo Tinti and in 2010 education in Soft Tissue Management always with dr Carlo Tinti.
Active member of GIR Group for implant research from 2010 than President of GIR from 2012 to 2014.
Active Member of AIOM Italian Academy of Microscopic Dentistry and member of the Board from 2013 to 2017. From 2017 until 2019, Coordinator of AIOM’s Active members acceptance committee. From 2013 until now is Clinical Adjunct Professor at Department for surgical and diagnostic Science of Genova University – Dental School Center for Laser therapy and laser Surgery.
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Dr. Adj Prof.
    Alessandro NANUSSI
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr.Adj.Prof. Alessandro Nanussi, graduated in Dentistry, and specialized in Sports Dentistry.
    Past-president SIOS, He is President Elect of the incoming 2022 Italian Association of Gnatology (AIG).
    Board of directors IAID.
    Associated with prof. Cristian Coraini at Skysmile Clinic in Milan. Referent of the Service of Sport’s dentistry and Cranio-mandibular Biomechanics at the Italian Stomatological Institute of Milan.
    Adjunct professor of “Statistical analysis of epidemiological data” and “Analog and virtual articulators”, University of Milan-Bicocca.
    Professor of Clinical Dentistry and Gnathology at the SOMA Osteopathic Institute of Milan. Co-author of the text “Dentistry and Sport” (Edi-Ermes), winner with Cristian Coraini and Luca Vailati of the International Occlusion Award, at the15th ICP World-Congress.

    Giovanni Olivi
    Dr. Adj Prof.
    Giovanni OLIVI
    Curriculum Vitae

    He graduated cum laude in Medicine and Surgery (MD) at ”La Sapienza” University of Rome, and in Dentistry (DDS) at ”Tor Vergata” University of Rome. In 2002 Giovanni achieved the postgraduated diploma in ”Laser Dentistry” from the University of Florence. In 2004, He achieved the laser certification from ISLD; in 2006 the Advanced Proficiency from the Academy of Laser Dentistry and in 2009, the Master status always from ALD. Giovanni in 2007 has been awarded from Academy of Laser Dentistry with the “Leon Goldman Award” for clinical excellence. Active member of Italian Society of Endodontics (SIE), Active Member of Italian Society of Laser Dentistry (SILO), member of Italian Society of Paediatric Dentistry (SIOI), member and Chair of ALD Italy Study Club, Giovanni Olivi is currently the scientific coordinator of the ”Laser Dentistry” Master courses at Catholic University of Sacred Hearth of Rome. Giovanni Olivi authored over 70 peer-reviewed papers, 4 chapters in different books and 4 books specifically focused on Laser Dentistry.

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Matteo OLIVI
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Matteo Olivi, graduated in Dentistry, and accomplished with honours the EMDOLA (European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications) Master in Laser Dentistry at the “La Sapienza” Univeristy of Rome (2018).
    He attended and certified the CAD-CAM Master course at the Zurich University (2015).
    He co-authored many scientific publications, and the book: “Laser in Restorative Dentistry: a practical guide” (Springer, 2015), and some chapters of the book: “Laser in Endodontics: Scientific background and clinical applications” (Springer, 2016).
    Dr. Olivi mantains his private practice in Rome, focusing on laser dentistry, endodontics and CAD-CAM restorations.
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Alessandro TRAVIGLIA
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Alessandro Traviglia graduated with honors in dentistry and dental prosthesis at the University of Ferrara in 1997.
    He has been an active member of the Italian Academy of Microdentistry (AIOM), a Digital Smile Designer certified and member of the Massironi study club.
    He is mainly interested in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry and the clinical fields of expertise are endodontic microscopy, ceramic veneers and dental materials, working interdisciplinary for treating complex cases with orthodontic and implant component as well as minimally invasive restoratives.
    Inventor together with Dr. Coraini of the Speed bleaching technique, published on the IJED September 2019.
    He hold his private practice in Milan and Varese.

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Dr. Adj.Prof.
    Marina Consuleo VITALE
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Ass.Prof.Marina Consuelo Vitale graduated in Medicine and Surgery (1986) and specialized in Stomatology and Orthognathic Therapy in University of Pavia (Italy).
    She specialized in “”aser assisted oral surgery” at University of Paris V (France), where she carried on research in laser applications, working with professors Jacques and Françoise Melcer. Lecturer in the proficiency course “Laser in Dentistry” at University of Florence and Professor in the International Master of “Laser in Dentistry” at University of Genova, in “Master de Odontologie Laser” at University Sophie Antipolis in Nice (France) and in EMDOLA Master at University of Parma, she is currently Professor of Paediatric Dentistry, Community Health Dentistry and Medical Techniques applied in Paediatric patient in School of Dentistry, School of Hygiene and School of Specialization in Orthodontic at University of Pavia.
    She published many papers in Italian and International scientific journals and she lectured in several National and International Congresses all over the world. Since 1990 she is active member of World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD), of Italian Society of laser in Dentistry (SILO) and of Italian Society of Paediatric Dentistry (SIOI). She is member of the Executive Board in WFLD – European Division and SILO.
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Matteo Pietro INVERNIZZI
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Matteo Pietro Invernizzi graduated in Dentistry at the University of Ferrara in 1999. Key surgical assistant and co-worker of Prof.Tiziano Testori at the Lake Como Institute since 2005. Active member of European Association of Osseointegration (EAO), Italian Society of Oral Surgery and Implantology (SICOI), Piezosurgery Academy of Advance Surgical Studies. Recognized practitioner in Switzerland since 2012. Active member of AISOD (Italian Association of Anesthetist Dental Doctors) and certificated as Expert in intravenous sedation in dental practice since 2013. Active member of IAO (Italian Academy of Osseointegration) since 2017. Member of the scientific committee of implant dentistry for the educational website in Oral Guided Bone Regeneration and maxilla-facial regeneration (Regeneration Focus Geistlich) in 2014-2016. Author of the didactic website Osteocom:T Class channel by Prof. Tiziano Testori. Author of numerous papers in Implantology and Periodontology. Lecturer in National and International congresses, mantains his private practice in Milan, focusing on Implant Dentistry and Periodontology.
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Nicola VANUZZO
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Adj.Prof. Nicola Vanuzzo received his dental degree magna cum laude at Padua University in 2003. In 2004 and 2006 has participated in the course “Advance Techniques and Biological Aspects in Implantology” at UMDNJ (University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey Dental School, USA). Since 2009 he is actively engaged in “Digital Dentistry”. He has completed his Master’s Degree in Forensic Odontology at the University of Florence in 2012 , in 2013 the specialization course in “Microscopy Operative Dentistry” at University of Genoa and in 2014 he completed the course in “Using the laser and new technologies in Dentistry”.
    Contract Professor at the University of Genoa, co-author of several publications related to surgery and forensic medicine and conducts activity of private practice in Padua.


    dr thomasz machan
    Tomasz MACHAN
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Tomasz Machan graduated in Dentistry.
    He completed many Master courses and trainings, and among the others in Penn Endo at the Endodontic department at the University of Pennsylvania (1997-1998), in Implantology at the Universities of Buffalo and New Jersey, (1999-2002).
    He attended and accomplished the Clinical Masters in Esthetic & Restorative Dentistry in Athens (2014-2015).
    He is Active member of AIOM and member of GIR, SIE, PTE. He has participated in numerous conferences and conducted many courses in Europe and South America.
    He currently mantains his private practice in Warsaw, dealing with endodontics, surgery, and prosthetics.
    dr thomasz machan
    Dr. Adj.Prof.
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Adj. Prof. Kinga Grzech-Lesniak is an advanced specialist in Periodontology and Oral Pathology, Assistant Professor at the Wroclaw Medical University; Director of the Laser Laboratory at the Department of Oral Surgery at Wroclaw Medical University; Director of Master in Laser in Dentistry in partnership with European Master Degree on Oral Laser Applications (EMDOLA) Wroclaw Medical University in Poland; President of the Polish Society of Laser Dentistry, country representative for Poland at the World Federation for Laser Dentistry, WFLD; Member Committee of the FDI Dental Practice Committee (2019-2022).
    Affiliated Assistant Professor at Department of Periodontics, School of Dentistry Virginia Commonwealth University. Author and co-author more than 40 scientific publications related to periodontal and laser treatment.

    dr thomasz machan
    Jacek MATYS
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Jacek Matys achieved the degree of Master in Laser Dentistry (EMDOLA) at Sapienza University of Rome (2018), doctorate (PhD) in dental surgery at Wrocław Medical University (2017), Fellowschip ICOI (2015). Board member of Polish Society for Laser Dentistry, member of Polish Dental Association, and substantive supervisor of Case Study Club of Polish Dental Association. He authored over 70 peer-reviewed articles. Ad hoc reviewer for different journals, e.g., Lasers in Medical Science (Springer), Materials (MDPI), Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research (Wiley).


    Luigi Cecchinato
    Aleksandra KRIZAJ DUMIC
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Aleksandra Krizaj Dumic graduated at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dentistry, in 1997.
    In 2003 she opened her own practice near to Ljubljana and began to develop, now one of the largest, technologically and digitaly advanced dental clinic in Slovenia. She is a myofonctional therapyst. In 2011 acquired the title, Expert Clinical Lecturer (DDS) in Laser and Health academy.
    In 2017 she completed the LA&HA master in laser dentistry program, as the first generation of these programe. After that in 2020, Aleksandra became Master of Science in LASER DENTISTRY at Catholic University of Sacred Hearth of Rome.
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Barbara ŠKRLJ GOLOB
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Barbara Škrlj Golob graduated at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dentistry, in 2000. In the following years from 2001 to 2007, she attended several courses on implants and prosthodontics. In 2007, she started with private practice. For the next three years, she continued her education in endodontics and she slowly started to expand her knowledge into the field of Laser dentistry. In 2011, she got involved in first Laser Workshop in Aachen where she received a Certificate of LSO and AALZ Dental Laser. One year later, she received PIPS Certificate awarded by professor Giovanni Olivi from Rome. In 2016, she got MSc degree in Laser dentistry in University of Genova. The work was published 2017 in JOE.In the same year she got Msc degreet at the University of Torino, Master in Clinical and Surgical Microendodontics, under supervision by professor Elio Berutti.

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Mihael VRCKOVNIK
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Mihael Vrckovnik completed his Dental Medicine study at the University of Ljubljana, Medical University in Slovenia in 2009.
    He completed the Laser and Health Academy Master’s Program in Laser Dentistry in 2018.
    He completed his Master of Science curriculum in Laser Dentistry at the Catholic University of Rome later in 2020.
    He mantains his private practice in Ljubljana, with special interests in TMJ Disorder, Pain and Lasers in Dentistry.


    Luigi Cecchinato
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Minhea Constantin is a member of the Romanian Society for Microscope Dentistry 2016-present, member of the Romanian Society for Laser Dentistry.
    He completed the Mastership in Laser Dentistry at LA&HA Institute, Ljubliana , Slovenia, (2016-2017), and graduated the Master degree in Laser Dentistry at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome (2019-2020).
    Invited Speaker at the AEEDC DUBAI (2020), at the 3rdCongress of Polish Society for Laser Dentistry, PTSL (2019), at the 2nd International Congress of Lasers in Dentistry, Constanta, Romania (2018), at the 7th Edition of the International Conference on Lasers in Medicine, Timisoara, Romania (2017), at the 7th Symposium Lasers in Medicine and Surgery, Kranjska Gora, (2017).
    Dr. Constantin works as consultant endodontic specialist in Bucarest.

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Minhea Constantin is a member of the Romanian Society for Microscope Dentistry 2016-present, member of the Romanian Society for Laser Dentistry.
    He completed the Mastership in Laser Dentistry at LA&HA Institute, Ljubliana , Slovenia, (2016-2017), and graduated the Master degree in Laser Dentistry at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome (2019-2020).
    Invited Speaker at the AEEDC DUBAI (2020), at the 3rdCongress of Polish Society for Laser Dentistry, PTSL (2019), at the 2nd International Congress of Lasers in Dentistry, Constanta, Romania (2018), at the 7th Edition of the International Conference on Lasers in Medicine, Timisoara, Romania (2017), at the 7th Symposium Lasers in Medicine and Surgery, Kranjska Gora, (2017).
    Dr. Constantin works as consultant endodontic specialist in Bucarest.


    Luigi Cecchinato
    Iren VLAHOVA
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Iren Vlahova graduated at Medical University in Sofia – Department of Dentistry.
    She accomplished tha Master degree in Laser Dentistry from the University of Genoa.
    She has been nominated for the Dentist of the year in Bulgaria in 2008. She is an active member of Bulgarian Dental Aassociation, Bulgarian Dental Society, Bulgarian Endodontic Association, Bulgarian Society for Clinical Hypnosis, and
    She has been working with different lasers for 14 years.
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Iren VLAHOVA
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Iren Vlahova graduated at Medical University in Sofia – Department of Dentistry.
    She accomplished tha Master degree in Laser Dentistry from the University of Genoa.
    She has been nominated for the Dentist of the year in Bulgaria in 2008. She is an active member of Bulgarian Dental Aassociation, Bulgarian Dental Society, Bulgarian Endodontic Association, Bulgarian Society for Clinical Hypnosis, and
    She has been working with different lasers for 14 years.


    Luigi Cecchinato
    Lindsey LEGGETT
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Lindsey Legget graduated in Dentistry in 1988 from Kings College, London.
    She attended the departments of Periodontology and Maxillofacial Surgeryin the Hospital Dentistry, obtaining the Fellowship in Dental Surgery form the Royal College of Surgeons in England.
    She completed the 2 year course in Implantology at the University of Warwick, and Strauman. She gained her Diploma in Laser Dentistry from the LAHA Institute in Slovenia (2018) and completed her Master course achieving the Master degree in Laser Dentistry at University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome.
    She workes in her General private practice and as the dentist at the National Spinal Injuries Centre, committed to lifelong learning and the pursuit of excellence in Dentistry.

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Arun DARBAR
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Arun Darbar is a multi-award-winning Laser and Aesthetic Dentist.
    At the forefront of Laser Dentistry, he is dedicated to providing cutting edge dentistry to his patients for over 35 years. He is an Accredited Member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD).
    He is a pioneer in the use of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), more recently termed Photobiomodulation therapy (PBM and PBMT). He continues to be involved in research & development, designs and beta testing of numerous laser units.
    As a leading member of the ALD (Academy of Laser Dentistry), he holds a ‘Masters’ and ‘Certified Educator’, and ‘Certification Course Trainer’ status. He serves on the ALD Board of Directors, currently president elect of ALD, previously served as the International Relations Committee Chair, and co-chairs the Education and Certification committees and invited member of the Science and Research committee and is also an examiner. Served as Chair of ALD 2018 General and Scientific sessions and Co-Chairs the same for iLED 2018,2019 Dubai conference and at present the conference chair for ALD 2021 conference. Dr. Darbar is the 2017 Recipient of the prestigious “The John G. Sulewski Distinguished Service Award”. Dr. Darbar is also a Fellow and Diplomate of World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry (WCMID), and a Master, Educator and founder member of the World Clinical Laser Institute (WCLI).

    Dr. Ilay Maden
    Ilay MADEN
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Ilay Maden graduated in Dental Surgery (BDS) and completed his Ph.D. in Periodontology (2003-2009) at the University of Istanbul and received his Master of Science degree for Lasers in Dentistry from Aachen University, Germany (2005-2007). Then he moved to the UK after passing his statutory exams (ORE) to register with the GDC (2016) and co-founding ONCLINIC, which is on London’s prestijious Harley Street.
    Dr Maden is a lecturer for Catholic University of Sacro Cuore, Rome, an
    adjunct faculty member of the Aachen Dental Laser Centre, Aachen University, Germany, a faculty expert at Laser and Health Academy. He is the country ambassador of International Society of Laser Dentistry for the UK. He has held dozens of theoretical and hands-on courses and lectures on lasers worldwide and has been a speaker in several international congresses in the last decade.
    He is also a member of the editorial board for Lasers in Medical Science, the Laser magazine and Journal of Laser and Health Academy.
    His work has been published internationally in SCI and non-SCI journals and magazines. Dr. Ilay Maden is a member of International Society of Laser Dentistry, British Medical Laser Association, European Federation of Periodontology, European Academy of Osseointegration, Turkish Dental Association, European Federation of Periodontology, Turkish Periodontology Association and more.
    His practice is limited to laser supported periodontology and implantology.


    Luigi Cecchinato
    Moonthana HAGE
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Mountaha Al-Hage completed first her Mastership in Laser Dentistry at RWTH Aachen University, Germany and then the Master of Science degree in laser dentistry at the same University.
    Chairperson of ALD Algeria affiliate study club, she is lecturer and clinical supervisor for different laser wavelengths. Head of the Prosthodontic department and Medical Director in Clinique Dentaire kouba Algiers, is also Responsible and Supervisor of all laser procedures in the same clinic.
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Moonthana HAGE
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Mountaha Al-Hage completed first her Mastership in Laser Dentistry at RWTH Aachen University, Germany and then the Master of Science degree in laser dentistry at the same University.
    Chairperson of ALD Algeria affiliate study club, she is lecturer and clinical supervisor for different laser wavelengths. Head of the Prosthodontic department and Medical Director in Clinique Dentaire kouba Algiers, is also Responsible and Supervisor of all laser procedures in the same clinic.


    Luigi Cecchinato
    Walid ALTAYEB
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Altayeb received his dental degree from Faculty of Dentistry, Damascus University in 1998. He completed his Master of Science in Periodontics in 2004 
and Doctorate ofPhilosophy PH.D in Periodontics in 2007. He achieved the Master status from the Academy of Laser Dentistry (Florida, USA) where is currently in the Board of Directors and the ALD Speakers Bureau, Treasurer 2022-2023 and President-elect for 2023-2024.
    Dr. Altayeb is Guest Professor at Faculty of Dental Medicine, Istanbul Ayden University (Istanbul, Turkey) and at UNIVERSIAPOLIS The International University of Agadir, Agadir, Morocco. He is Lecturer at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma Master Laser Dentistry (Rome, Italy). 
Dr. Altayeb received The John G. Sulewski Distinguished Service Award / 2019 of ALD. Speaker in many conferences in Middle East, Europe, and USA in the fields of Periodontal Medicine, Implantology, and Laser Dentistry and Continuing education provider, over 1100 CPD hours in last 7 years. 
He is running “Pink Aesthetics & Laser Dentistry” courses with the British Academy of Implant and Restorative Dentistry in Middle East and North Africa. 

General Secretary of iLED 2018 and iLED 2019 conferences, Dr. Altayeb is working in private practice as periodontist and Implantologist in Doha, Qatar, and 
Dubai, UAE.

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Walid ALTAYEB
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Altayeb received his dental degree from Faculty of Dentistry, Damascus University in 1998. He completed his Master of Science in Periodontics in 2004 
and Doctorate ofPhilosophy PH.D in Periodontics in 2007. He achieved the Master status from the Academy of Laser Dentistry (Florida, USA) where is currently in the Board of Directors and the ALD Speakers Bureau, Treasurer 2022-2023 and President-elect for 2023-2024.
    Dr. Altayeb is Guest Professor at Faculty of Dental Medicine, Istanbul Ayden University (Istanbul, Turkey) and at UNIVERSIAPOLIS The International University of Agadir, Agadir, Morocco. He is Lecturer at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma Master Laser Dentistry (Rome, Italy). 
Dr. Altayeb received The John G. Sulewski Distinguished Service Award / 2019 of ALD. Speaker in many conferences in Middle East, Europe, and USA in the fields of Periodontal Medicine, Implantology, and Laser Dentistry and Continuing education provider, over 1100 CPD hours in last 7 years. 
He is running “Pink Aesthetics & Laser Dentistry” courses with the British Academy of Implant and Restorative Dentistry in Middle East and North Africa. 

General Secretary of iLED 2018 and iLED 2019 conferences, Dr. Altayeb is working in private practice as periodontist and Implantologist in Doha, Qatar, and 
Dubai, UAE.


    Luigi Cecchinato
    Manaf Taher AGHA
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Manaf Taher Agha graduated in 1996 at the Aleppo University. Private practitioner and a lecturer based in Dubai diploma in periodontology. Phd researcher,Charles University in Prague, Department of Stomatology (Pilsen) 2016-to date. Head of laser research unit Ajman University, UAE Since 2007 to date, and Teaching laser and modern technology for 5th year student and post graduate since 2007 to date. Chairman of scientific and research committee of Academy of Laser Dentistry –USA for the past three years. Co-founder and former secretary general of the International Academy For Laser Education, Vienna, Austria. President of ALE in UAE branch, the “Academy for laser Education” Syrian Dental Association, former head of practice and licensure committee. Published many paper in laser dentistry
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Khalid HANNOUNEH
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Khalid Hannouneh is a graduated from the International University for science and technology near Damascus – Syria in 2011 where he received his DDS degree.
    He worked as a visiting clinical instructor at the University of sharjah im UAE. Obtained his Diploma in Advanced Laser Dentistry from the British Academy of Implants and Restorative dentistry and the laser safety officer from Bönn University. He worked as a certified trainer for Laser and organized and participated in many Laser courses and conferences training in both hard and soft tissue lasers. Dr. Hannouneh is also a certified trainer for the Swiss dental academy.
    Dr. Hannouneh obtained his fellowship in Laser Dentistry from the Academy of Laser Dentistry – USA.
    He also earned his Master Degree in Laser Dentistry from the Catholic University of Sacred Heart of Rome.
    He is a founding Member of the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF INNOVATIVE DENTISTRY. He greatly enjoys teaching and being an educator for innovations and is working on developing a “painless Dentistry” concept.

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Manaf Taher AGHA
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Manaf Taher Agha graduated in 1996 at the Aleppo University. Private practitioner and a lecturer based in Dubai diploma in periodontology. Phd researcher,Charles University in Prague, Department of Stomatology (Pilsen) 2016-to date. Head of laser research unit Ajman University, UAE Since 2007 to date, and Teaching laser and modern technology for 5th year student and post graduate since 2007 to date. Chairman of scientific and research committee of Academy of Laser Dentistry –USA for the past three years. Co-founder and former secretary general of the International Academy For Laser Education, Vienna, Austria. President of ALE in UAE branch, the “Academy for laser Education” Syrian Dental Association, former head of practice and licensure committee. Published many paper in laser dentistry
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Khalid HANNOUNEH
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Khalid Hannouneh is a graduated from the International University for science and technology near Damascus – Syria in 2011 where he received his DDS degree.
    He worked as a visiting clinical instructor at the University of sharjah im UAE. Obtained his Diploma in Advanced Laser Dentistry from the British Academy of Implants and Restorative dentistry and the laser safety officer from Bönn University. He worked as a certified trainer for Laser and organized and participated in many Laser courses and conferences training in both hard and soft tissue lasers. Dr. Hannouneh is also a certified trainer for the Swiss dental academy.
    Dr. Hannouneh obtained his fellowship in Laser Dentistry from the Academy of Laser Dentistry – USA.
    He also earned his Master Degree in Laser Dentistry from the Catholic University of Sacred Heart of Rome.
    He is a founding Member of the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF INNOVATIVE DENTISTRY. He greatly enjoys teaching and being an educator for innovations and is working on developing a “painless Dentistry” concept.


    Luigi Cecchinato
    Yue Weng CHEU
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Yue Weng Cheu completed his Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree at the National University of Singapore (BDS). He was awarded The Pierre Fauchard Academy Foundation Annual Scholarship Award. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, Fellow of the International College of Dentists, and Fellow of International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He obtained his Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties of the Royal College of Surgeons, England. He attained his Mastership certification with the World Clinical Laser Institute and has also obtained his Certificate of Oral Implantology from Frankfurt University. He has completed the full TMD continuum at Occlusion Connections in USA and finished his mini residency on Dental Sleep Medicine with TUFTS University School of Dental Medicine. Dr Yue started the concept of Linguadontics where he focuses on the tongue as one of the key elements in influencing general health, in collaboration with other medical and allied health providers. He is the Clinical Director of DP Dental group integrates dental technology for predictable diagnostic and therapeutic outcomes for his patients.
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Yue Weng CHEU
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Yue Weng Cheu completed his Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree at the National University of Singapore (BDS). He was awarded The Pierre Fauchard Academy Foundation Annual Scholarship Award. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, Fellow of the International College of Dentists, and Fellow of International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He obtained his Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties of the Royal College of Surgeons, England. He attained his Mastership certification with the World Clinical Laser Institute and has also obtained his Certificate of Oral Implantology from Frankfurt University. He has completed the full TMD continuum at Occlusion Connections in USA and finished his mini residency on Dental Sleep Medicine with TUFTS University School of Dental Medicine. Dr Yue started the concept of Linguadontics where he focuses on the tongue as one of the key elements in influencing general health, in collaboration with other medical and allied health providers. He is the Clinical Director of DP Dental group integrates dental technology for predictable diagnostic and therapeutic outcomes for his patients.


    Luigi Cecchinato
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Iman W. Kusumadirja graduated in Dentistry from Trisakti University (2006), He acieved the Master in Management from Satyagama University (2007), the Post graduate Certification in Implantology & Surgery at Phnom Penh University (2008). He attended and certified in Implantology at Master course of University of Klinikum Eppendorf Hamburg (2016), the Post Graduate Diploma in Advance Implantology from Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele (2018). He is a Fellow of World Clinical Laser Institute (2018), and achieved the Advance Proficiency Certification from Academy of Laser Dentistry (2019). He completed and achieved the Master of Science in Odontoiatria Conservativa ed Estetica from La Sapienza Università di Roma (2019), and the Master of Science in Laser Dentistry at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma (2020).

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Iman W. Kusumadirja graduated in Dentistry from Trisakti University (2006), He acieved the Master in Management from Satyagama University (2007), the Post graduate Certification in Implantology & Surgery at Phnom Penh University (2008). He attended and certified in Implantology at Master course of University of Klinikum Eppendorf Hamburg (2016), the Post Graduate Diploma in Advance Implantology from Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele (2018). He is a Fellow of World Clinical Laser Institute (2018), and achieved the Advance Proficiency Certification from Academy of Laser Dentistry (2019). He completed and achieved the Master of Science in Odontoiatria Conservativa ed Estetica from La Sapienza Università di Roma (2019), and the Master of Science in Laser Dentistry at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma (2020).


    Philip Hand
    Philip HAND
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Philip Hand graduated from The University of Otago (N.Z.) in 1984, still is a devoted student of dentistry with interests in all fields of general dentistry.

    These include Orthodontics (POS Graduate), Implant Dentistry, Endodontics and Periodontics. Expert user of Dental operative microscope and lasers, Dr.Hand after completing the LA&HA Master in Laser Dentistry, achieved the Master degree in Laser Dentistry at Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma.

    Cristian Coraini
    Linhlan NGUYEN
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Linhlan Nguyen completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Sydney in 1996.
    She is a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (2015), the International Academy of Dental Facial Esthetics (New York 2016).
    She completed the mastership in Laser Dentistry at Laser and Health Academy (2017) and she completed the Master of Science degree in Laser Dentistry, at Catholic University of Rome – Italy (2019- 2020).

    Giovanni Olivi
    Jason PANG
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Jason Pang graduated in Biomedical Science (BDS) with the University Medal with Honours, and graduated in Dentistry.
    He completed the LA&HA Master in Laser Dentistry in Slovenia, completed the Master in Laser Dentistry at Catholic University of Sacred Heart of Rome. International speaker and educator, He is the Chairman of the Australian and New Zealand study chapter of the Academy of Laser Dentistry, author of the chapter “Innovative Dentistry” in the Amazon Best-selling book “Game Changers: Entrepreneurs Leading Change”.
    He practises dentistry in Sydney.


    Luigi Cecchinato
    Enrico DIVITO
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. DiVito graduated and earned his DDS from the University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in San Francisco, California in 1980. Returning home he established a private practice in Scottsdale, AZ.  In addition to general and cosmetic dentistry, he has advanced training and is known internationally for his expertise in craniomandibular disorder as it relates to internal derangement, joint disease, arthropathy, trauma and joint incompetency. Dr. DiVito also has advanced training in both soft and hard tissue lasers. In 2007, he established the Arizona Center for Laser Dentistry and was awarded the 2007 Biolase Clinical Case of the Year. He incorporates the latest techniques and materials and utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide his patients with the safest, most effective, and minimally invasive procedures. Dr. DiVito is pioneering new laser techniques for dentistry. Dr. DiVito is the inventor of laser activated irrigation (LAI) known as PIPS (Photon Induced Photoacoustic Streaming). He holds several patents for dental products which are revolutionizing the way dentistry is being performed globally. He lectures nationally and internationally and has published numerous manuscripts in dental journals as well as authoring the book Lasers in Endodontics. He greatly enjoys being an educator of innovations in dental health care.

    Luigi Cecchinato
    Dr. Adj Prof.
    Roberto DIVITO
    Curriculum Vitae
    Dr. Adj Prof. Roberto DiVito graduated from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in San Francisco, California, and currently practices in Scottsdale, Arizona. He is a professor at the A.T. Still University Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health and is responsible for helping create the CAD/CAM restorative program and techniques. Also, an instructor of the laser essentials course and is both versed in hard and soft issue along with laser endodontics. A member of the Arizona Dental Association, California Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry and America Dental Association. He frequently volunteers his services at the Neighborhood Christian Clinic, a non-profit organization in Phoenix, Arizona.
    Luigi Cecchinato
    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Amy Luedemann-Lazar graduated magna cum laude in 1990 from her undergraduate studies of Nutrition and Psychology.
    She obtained her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 2005 from the University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston. She received her Pediatric Specialty, training and a Masters degree from the University of Washington – Seattle, Washington, and served as chief resident in her final year. She attended at Seattle Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, serving on the craniofacial team and working extensively with special healthcare needs children. Additionally, Dr. Luedemann served as an Acting Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Washington. In this role, she provided lectures and clinical teaching. Dr. Luedemann is a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, a founding member of the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences, and an active member in multiple professional organization that promote advanced technologies and integrative care for the pediatric population. She has practiced “no-shot”, atraumatic, laser pediatric dentistry since 2009.
    She has lectured around the US on the topics of frenectomy, laser pediatric dentistry, LAFTR (laser assisted functional therapeutic release), laser neural therapy, and the importance of interdisciplinary care. Dr. Luedemann is the recipient of the 2019 “Centres of Light Award for Interdisciplinary Leadership in Advancing Medicine via Myofunctional Sciences”.



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