Lingual Frenum Shape, Length and Function in relation to Stomatognathic Growth: from Childbirth to Preschoolar Age
October 19 11:30 – 12:15
The stomatognathic function is already born inside the uterus and develops in relation to the movements of the fetus and its ability to regulate its functions such as, for example, the variability of the heartbeat.
In particular, the vagal function develops ensuring the interconnection of the anatomical structures connected with sucking and swallowing.
The shape and function of the frenulum also depend on the ability of the fetus and newborn to integrate all these functions.
Understanding how the baby sucks, swallows, breathes and yawns can be essential to evaluate the function of the frenulum in the newborn baby and its evolution within the stomatognathic system.
Frenum Assesment and its Impact on Stomatognathic and Postural Growth and Function: the Osteopathic Point of View
October 20 14:30 – 18:00
The stomatognathic function is already born inside the uterus and develops in relation to the movements of the fetus and its ability to regulate its functions such as, for example, the variability of the heartbeat.
In particular, the vagal function develops ensuring the interconnection of the anatomical structures connected with sucking and swallowing.
The shape and function of the frenulum also depend on the ability of the fetus and newborn to integrate all these functions.
Understanding how the baby sucks, swallows, breathes and yawns can be essential to evaluate the function of the frenulum in the newborn baby and its evolution within the stomatognathic system.
Curriculum Vitae
Andrea Manzotti is a Doctor in Physiotherapy from the University of Milan. In 1997 He achieved the diploma in Osteopathy at the Italian Osteopathy Institute (Milan; 2014) and the certification of conformity to the technical standard UNI 11492. In 2019 he achieved a 1st level University Master in Biostatistics for scientific publication at the University of Padua. Dr Manzotti helded several private courses nationally and internationally, and from 2016 to 2019 He teached as Adjunt Professor at the 1st level Master in Osteopathic Medicine the University of Ferrara. From 2013 to date He works as head of osteopathic research in neonatology at the V. Buzzi children’s hospital in Milan. He also worked of as a physiotherapist of GIVIDI volleyball team (Serie A from 1994 to 1996), as osteopath consultant at the Italian Ski Federation (2008 to 2010), also partecipating to the Winter Olympic games of Vancouver (2010 caring the gold medal Giuliano Razzoli), and as osteopath of Olimpia Armani Milano (Serie A1 basketball team from 2009 to 2012). From 2015 to date He is the Director of the RAISE neonatologist project (COME Collaboration Foundation), a project involving more than 50 professionals engaged as volunteer for the children care. In 2000 He was one of the founders of the school of osteopathy in Milan S.O.M.A., where He currently works.